More Flexible Ordinal Outcome Models

In the previous post (, we’ve shown alternative models for ordinal outcomes in addition to commonly used Cumulative Logit models under the proportional odds assumption, which are also known as Proportional Odds model. A potential drawback of Proportional Odds model is the lack of flexibility and the restricted assumption of proportional odds, of which the violation might lead to the model mis-specification. As a result, Cumulative Logit models with more flexible assumptions are called for.

In the example below, I will first show how to estimate credit ratings with a Cumulative Logit model under the proportional odds assumption with corporate financial performance measures, expressed as Logit(Y <= j) = A_j – X * B, where A_j depends on the category j.

pkgs <- list("maxLik", "VGAM")
sapply(pkgs, require, character.only = T)
data(data_cr, envir = .GlobalEnv, package = "mvord")
data_cr$RATING <- pmax(data_cr$rater1, data_cr$rater2, na.rm = T)
x <- c("LR", "LEV", "PR", "RSIZE", "BETA")
y <- "RATING"
df <- data_cr[![, y]), c(x, y)]
table(df[, y]) / length(df[, y])
#         A         B         C         D         E
# 0.1047198 0.1681416 0.3023599 0.2994100 0.1253687

# vglm(RATING ~ LR + LEV + PR + RSIZE + BETA, data = df, family = cumulative(parallel = T))

ll1 <- function(param) {
  plist <- c("a_A", "a_B", "a_C", "a_D", "b_LR", "b_LE", "b_PR", "b_RS", "b_BE")
  sapply(1:length(plist), function(i) assign(plist[i], param[i], envir = .GlobalEnv))
  XB_A <- with(df, a_A - (b_LR * LR + b_LE * LEV + b_PR * PR + b_RS * RSIZE + b_BE * BETA))
  XB_B <- with(df, a_B - (b_LR * LR + b_LE * LEV + b_PR * PR + b_RS * RSIZE + b_BE * BETA))
  XB_C <- with(df, a_C - (b_LR * LR + b_LE * LEV + b_PR * PR + b_RS * RSIZE + b_BE * BETA))
  XB_D <- with(df, a_D - (b_LR * LR + b_LE * LEV + b_PR * PR + b_RS * RSIZE + b_BE * BETA))
  prob_A <- 1 / (1 + exp(-XB_A))
  prob_B <- 1 / (1 + exp(-XB_B)) - prob_A
  prob_C <- 1 / (1 + exp(-XB_C)) - prob_A - prob_B
  prob_D <- 1 / (1 + exp(-XB_D)) - prob_A - prob_B - prob_C
  prob_E <- 1 - prob_A - prob_B - prob_C - prob_D
  CAT <- data.frame(sapply(c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"), function(x) assign(x, df[, y] == x)))
  LH <- with(CAT, (prob_A ^ A) * (prob_B ^ B) * (prob_C ^ C) * (prob_D ^ D) * (prob_E ^ E))

start1 <- c(a_A = 0, a_B = 2, a_C = 3, a_D = 4, b_LR = 0, b_LE = 0, b_PR = 0, b_RS = 0, b_BE = 0)
summary(m1 <- maxLik(logLik = ll1, start = start1))
#     Estimate Std. error t value Pr(t)
#a_A  15.53765    0.77215  20.123  <2e-16 ***
#a_B  18.26195    0.84043  21.729  <2e-16 ***
#a_C  21.61729    0.94804  22.802  <2e-16 ***
#a_D  25.88787    1.10522  23.423  <2e-16 ***
#b_LR  0.29070    0.11657   2.494  0.0126 *
#b_LE  0.83977    0.07220  11.631  <2e-16 ***
#b_PR -5.10955    0.35531 -14.381  <2e-16 ***
#b_RS -2.18552    0.09982 -21.895  <2e-16 ***
#b_BE  3.26811    0.21696  15.063  <2e-16 ***

In the above output, the attribute “liquidity ratio” is somewhat less significant than the other, implying a potential opportunity for further improvements by relaxing the proportional odds assumption. As a result, I will try a different class of Cumulative Logit models, namely (unconstrained) Partial-Proportional Odds models, that would allow non-proportional odds for a subset of model attributes, e.g. LR in our case. Therefore, the formulation now becomes Logit(Y <= j) = A_j – X * B – Z * G_j, where both A_j and G_j vary by the category j.

# vglm(RATING ~ LR + LEV + PR + RSIZE + BETA, data = df, family = cumulative(parallel = F ~ LR))

ll2 <- function(param) {
  plist <- c("a_A", "a_B", "a_C", "a_D", "b_LRA", "b_LRB", "b_LRC", "b_LRD", "b_LE", "b_PR", "b_RS", "b_BE")
  sapply(1:length(plist), function(i) assign(plist[i], param[i], envir = .GlobalEnv))
  XB_A <- with(df, a_A - (b_LRA * LR + b_LE * LEV + b_PR * PR + b_RS * RSIZE + b_BE * BETA))
  XB_B <- with(df, a_B - (b_LRB * LR + b_LE * LEV + b_PR * PR + b_RS * RSIZE + b_BE * BETA))
  XB_C <- with(df, a_C - (b_LRC * LR + b_LE * LEV + b_PR * PR + b_RS * RSIZE + b_BE * BETA))
  XB_D <- with(df, a_D - (b_LRD * LR + b_LE * LEV + b_PR * PR + b_RS * RSIZE + b_BE * BETA))
  prob_A <- 1 / (1 + exp(-XB_A))
  prob_B <- 1 / (1 + exp(-XB_B)) - prob_A
  prob_C <- 1 / (1 + exp(-XB_C)) - prob_A - prob_B
  prob_D <- 1 / (1 + exp(-XB_D)) - prob_A - prob_B - prob_C
  prob_E <- 1 - prob_A - prob_B - prob_C - prob_D
  CAT <- data.frame(sapply(c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"), function(x) assign(x, df[, y] == x)))
  LH <- with(CAT, (prob_A ^ A) * (prob_B ^ B) * (prob_C ^ C) * (prob_D ^ D) * (prob_E ^ E))

start2 <- c(a_A = 0.1, a_B = 0.2, a_C = 0.3, a_D = 0.4, b_LRA = 0, b_LRB = 0, b_LRC = 0, b_LRD = 0, b_LE = 0, b_PR = 0, b_RS = 0, b_BE = 0)
summary(m2 <- maxLik(logLik = ll2, start = start2))
#      Estimate Std. error t value Pr(t)
#a_A   15.30082    0.83936  18.229  <2e-16 ***
#a_B   18.14795    0.81325  22.315  <2e-16 ***
#a_C   21.72469    0.89956  24.150  <2e-16 ***
#a_D   25.92697    1.07749  24.062  <2e-16 ***
#b_LRA  0.12442    0.30978   0.402  0.6880
#b_LRB  0.21127    0.20762   1.018  0.3089
#b_LRC  0.36097    0.16687   2.163  0.0305 *
#b_LRD  0.31404    0.22090   1.422  0.1551
#b_LE   0.83949    0.07155  11.733  <2e-16 ***
#b_PR  -5.09891    0.35249 -14.465  <2e-16 ***
#b_RS  -2.18589    0.09540 -22.913  <2e-16 ***
#b_BE   3.26529    0.20993  15.554  <2e-16 ***

As shown above, under the partial-proportional odds assumption, there are 4 parameters estimated for LR, three of which are not significant and therefore the additional flexibility is not justified. In fact, AIC of the 2nd model (AIC = 1103.60) is even higher than AIC of the 1st model (AIC = 1098.18).

In light of the above observation, I will introduce the 3rd model, which is known as the Constrained Partial-Proportional Odds model and expressed as Logit(Y <= j) = A_j – X * B – Z * G * gamma_j, where A_j and gamma_j vary the category j. It is worth pointing out that gamma_j is a pre-specified fixed scalar and does not need to be estimated. Based on the unconstrained model outcome, we can set gamma_1 = 1, gamma_2 = 2, and gamma_3 = gamma_4 = 3 for LR in our case.


ll3 <- function(param) {
  plist <- c("a_A", "a_B", "a_C", "a_D", "b_LR", "b_LE", "b_PR", "b_RS", "b_BE")
  sapply(1:length(plist), function(i) assign(plist[i], param[i], envir = .GlobalEnv))
  gamma <- c(1, 2, 3, 3)
  XB_A <- with(df, a_A - (gamma[1] * b_LR * LR + b_LE * LEV + b_PR * PR + b_RS * RSIZE + b_BE * BETA))
  XB_B <- with(df, a_B - (gamma[2] * b_LR * LR + b_LE * LEV + b_PR * PR + b_RS * RSIZE + b_BE * BETA))
  XB_C <- with(df, a_C - (gamma[3] * b_LR * LR + b_LE * LEV + b_PR * PR + b_RS * RSIZE + b_BE * BETA))
  XB_D <- with(df, a_D - (gamma[4] * b_LR * LR + b_LE * LEV + b_PR * PR + b_RS * RSIZE + b_BE * BETA))
  prob_A <- 1 / (1 + exp(-XB_A))
  prob_B <- 1 / (1 + exp(-XB_B)) - prob_A
  prob_C <- 1 / (1 + exp(-XB_C)) - prob_A - prob_B
  prob_D <- 1 / (1 + exp(-XB_D)) - prob_A - prob_B - prob_C
  prob_E <- 1 - prob_A - prob_B - prob_C - prob_D
  CAT <- data.frame(sapply(c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"), function(x) assign(x, df[, y] == x)))
  LH <- with(CAT, (prob_A ^ A) * (prob_B ^ B) * (prob_C ^ C) * (prob_D ^ D) * (prob_E ^ E))

start3 <- c(a_A = 1, a_B = 2, a_C = 3, a_D = 4, b_LR = 0.1, b_LE = 0, b_PR = 0, b_RS = 0, b_BE = 0)
summary(m3 <- maxLik(logLik = ll3, start = start3))
#     Estimate Std. error t value Pr(t)
#a_A  15.29442    0.60659  25.214 < 2e-16 ***
#a_B  18.18220    0.65734  27.660 < 2e-16 ***
#a_C  21.70599    0.75181  28.872 < 2e-16 ***
#a_D  25.98491    0.88104  29.493 < 2e-16 ***
#b_LR  0.11351    0.04302   2.638 0.00833 **
#b_LE  0.84012    0.06939  12.107 < 2e-16 ***
#b_PR -5.10025    0.33481 -15.233 < 2e-16 ***
#b_RS -2.18708    0.08118 -26.940 < 2e-16 ***
#b_BE  3.26689    0.19958  16.369 < 2e-16 ***

As shown above, after the introduction of gamma_j as the constrained scalar, the statistical significance of LR has been improved with a slightly lower AIC = 1097.64.

To be complete, I’d like to mention the last model today, which is named the Stereotype model. The idea of Stereotype models is very similar to the idea of adjacent-categories models and is to estimate Log(Y = j / Y = j+1) or more often Log(Y = j / Y = j_c), where C represents a baseline category. However, the right-hand side is expressed as Log(…) = A_j – (X * B) * phi_j, where phi_j is a hyper-parameter such that phi_1 = 1 > phi_2…> phi_max = 0. As a result, the coefficient of each model attribute could also vary by the category j, introducing more flexibility at the cost of being difficult to estimate.

# rrvglm(sapply(c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"), function(x) df[, y] == x)~ LR + LEV + PR + RSIZE + BETA, multinomial, data = df)

ll4 <- function(param) {
  plist <- c("a_A", "a_B", "a_C", "a_D", "b_LR", "b_LE", "b_PR", "b_RS", "b_BE", "phi_B", "phi_C", "phi_D")
  sapply(1:length(plist), function(i) assign(plist[i], param[i], envir = .GlobalEnv))
  XB_A <- with(df, a_A - (b_LR * LR + b_LE * LEV + b_PR * PR + b_RS * RSIZE + b_BE * BETA))
  XB_B <- with(df, a_B - phi_B * (b_LR * LR + b_LE * LEV + b_PR * PR + b_RS * RSIZE + b_BE * BETA))
  XB_C <- with(df, a_C - phi_C * (b_LR * LR + b_LE * LEV + b_PR * PR + b_RS * RSIZE + b_BE * BETA))
  XB_D <- with(df, a_D - phi_D * (b_LR * LR + b_LE * LEV + b_PR * PR + b_RS * RSIZE + b_BE * BETA))
  prob_A <- exp(XB_A) / (exp(XB_A) + exp(XB_B) + exp(XB_C) + exp(XB_D) + 1)
  prob_B <- exp(XB_B) / (exp(XB_A) + exp(XB_B) + exp(XB_C) + exp(XB_D) + 1)
  prob_C <- exp(XB_C) / (exp(XB_A) + exp(XB_B) + exp(XB_C) + exp(XB_D) + 1)
  prob_D <- exp(XB_D) / (exp(XB_A) + exp(XB_B) + exp(XB_C) + exp(XB_D) + 1)
  prob_E <- 1 - prob_A - prob_B - prob_C - prob_D
  CAT <- data.frame(sapply(c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"), function(x) assign(x, df[, y] == x)))
  LH <- with(CAT, (prob_A ^ A) * (prob_B ^ B) * (prob_C ^ C) * (prob_D ^ D) * (prob_E ^ E))

start4 <- c(a_A = 1, a_B = 2, a_C = 3, a_D = 4, b_LR = 0.1, b_LE = 0, b_PR = 0, b_RS = 0, b_BE = 0, phi_B = 0.1, phi_C = 0.2, phi_D = 0.3)
summary(m4 <- maxLik(logLik = ll4, start = start4))
#       Estimate Std. error t value Pr(t)
#a_A    67.73429    2.37424  28.529  <2e-16 ***
#a_B    55.86469    1.94442  28.731  <2e-16 ***
#a_C    41.27477    1.47960  27.896  <2e-16 ***
#a_D    22.24244    1.83137  12.145  <2e-16 ***
#b_LR    0.86975    0.37481   2.320  0.0203 *
#b_LE    2.79215    0.23373  11.946  <2e-16 ***
#b_PR  -16.66836    1.17569 -14.178  <2e-16 ***
#b_RS   -7.24921    0.33460 -21.665  <2e-16 ***
#b_BE   10.57411    0.72796  14.526  <2e-16 ***
#phi_B   0.77172    0.03155  24.461  <2e-16 ***
#phi_C   0.52806    0.03187  16.568  <2e-16 ***
#phi_D   0.26040    0.02889   9.013  <2e-16 ***